First Responders Ministry

Ministry Mission
To meet the needs of people by providing immediate emergency medical assistance when unforeseen events arise
Who We Are…
Licensed and non-licensed medical professionals and certified volunteers trained to provide emergency assistance within the scope of their practice and training.
All ministry personnel are, at a minimum, CPR/First Aid certified through the National CPR Foundation.
Goals of First Responders Ministry
To provide basic emergency care to an ill or injured person and/or stabilize the person until care is assumed by EMT personnel while visiting Life Line Full Gospel Church or at an offsite event sponsored by LLFGC.
Collaborate with other ministries to meet the emergency healthcare needs of the people.
When We Meet
Upon initial training of new team members and as needed. We communicate via quarterly emails for the purpose of scheduling and dissemination of information.
Contact Information:
Email the church administrator at support@mylifelinenow.org
Contact the church administrator at (757) 930-0011.